Sunday, May 25, 2008


yeah baby! this is the sermon for yesterday!!!!!

how many of us grieve at things that grieves God? how many of us say "no" to God when God wants us to change our weaknesses? i guess not all of us and definitely not me!!! it shows how hardened our hearts are! while all of us ARE inperfect, God wants to MOULD US into people of character and maturity!!! it makes us complete!

also, God is really so so so amazing!!!! wanna know more? go to and search under the song "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin. it tells us how awesome God is. from the sun to the stars, from where the lightning bolts should go to the colours of falls. God is amazing, Creator of all, amen! :) after all, no one can account for the 9++++trillion LIGHT YEARS wide universe. awesome, eh? spend some time with God the awesome Creator because we are SMALL and God loves us so so so much!!!! :) :) :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


legalism. i just wanna tell you guys that God isn't Someone who needs you to be perfect. God isn't gonna make you memorize rules and life applications and make sure you apply every single one of them. it's not religious, not a law-centred God.

of course, we do not sin because it's contrary to God's nature, who's holy. but i'm just wondering if you feel frustrated, tired because you live life like a checklist?

did not swear, check. did not entertain lustful thoughts, check. not prideful, check.

NO NO NO! WWJD! if Jesus was around, He will abolish such ideas of life because it's tiring and NOT fulfilling! i felt so frustrated because i couldn't stick fast and complete to every single sermon. no i definitely can't. but true freedom is found when your emphasis is on a relationship with God.

when you tell God your day. tell God how that person jumped queue. how you're gonna flunk your exams. how you dislike that person.

yes. abolish that checklist. and live by faith. live by your fellowship with God solely. it's not about values or principles you live by. Jesus after all died for you, period. don't add anything else because that's being self-righteous. live by the faith that God has forgiven you and you're a child now and forever.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


hello people, yining here!!! :)

on saturday, we watched this movie called "Second Chance." it's about this white pastor called E going to this area where the blacks live. that area's filled with prostitution, drug addicts and you name it. and there's this church at the area called "Second Chance." it's planted by the white pastor's father and the white pastor is the pastor of this church in the white area called The Rock. the pastor of Second Chance is called Jake.

i just wanna tell you that the movie is about The Rock church being so commercialized and putting such a heavy emphasis on ministry that they forgot the very essence called Jesus Christ and His church. the church IS made up of people. and this movie tells us a lot about humility where this guy was willing to wash the feet of another coz he offended him[both are best friends.]

i'm now gonna ask you guys:

what do you come to church for AND how you see it?

i wanna tell you guys that Church is the Body of Christ. it's the people, not the building. it's building awesome and honest and godly relationships.

how desperate are you guys? desperate to hear, desperate to come to church, desperate to love God. what do i mean by desperate? i push your head into water and you'll be struggling for air. that desperation. i don't know if you guys pray that God'll make a way for you all to come to church and your problems.

talk, confess it to God coz God knows. your heart. where is it?

anyway, you guys have mid years[or most]. so this is my prayer for you guys.
Father, i thank You for lester, victor and yeeliang. Father i pray God all of us will never get tired of You. but God, we will be desperate! Father we are desperate to hear, we are desperate for You to work in our lives! Father, we wanna love you all more. give us strength God! Father i pray You bless us! Father we honour You and if we don't, help us to! in the most mighty name of Jesus', amen!!!!!!!!

guys! all the way!!!!!!!! remain in Jesus coz God's faithful and gooooooodddd!!!! :)