Tuesday, April 8, 2008

dear Lester, Victor and Yeeliang

first post!!! :D :D

hey guys, yining here.

this blog's created so that we'll be able to check up, encourage, pray for one another. we ARE one Body and interdependent on one another. post your testimonies, verses you wanna share, prayer requests, your week, studies, home, problems. let's be transparent because transparency can get us to a whole new level ya! :)


you guys might have heard of what happened to donric, peirong's mum and alicia's dad and be affected by it. it's natural because when one of part of the Body suffers, all does.

but don't be discouraged because we're fighting against the spiritual forces of darkness. if you think this is purely physical, know that this 3 things happened only within our cellgroup[though the state of other cellgroup, i don't know]. be of good cheer because peirong's family, ali's family and donric's family need our prayers. if you don't wanna pray, then think at the perspective of ali herself, maybe. then you'll realize how much they need our prayer.

show practical love. give them a sms or something. Christians SHOULD be practical. after all, "the kingdom of God is not about talk but power."

Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other burdens and in this way, you'll fulfill the law of Christ."

keep the posts rolling in!

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