Saturday, April 19, 2008

personal responsibility

hey guys, yining here. i wanna address some issues here.

1) you gotta take personal responsibility for your own walk with God
realistic speaking, you can't feed off my relationship with God. you can't get close with God just because yining/any other Christians are close to God. it's between you and God. i repeat. you and God and nobody else.

how to take personal responsibility? easy. do your qt and come to church. it may seem like a systematic and religious "formula" but it isn't because God is a sovereign, faithful and LIVING God and seeks to have a personal relationship with us. qt and church are one of the most basic ways God can choose to speak to us. you may realize[or at least i do] that those days we don't turn up are days God will/can choose to speak to us the MOST.

2) the house of God is not just a place you come when it's convenient for you. it's a place where believers gather to fellowship and worship with one another and God
i understand. some of us have life's tasks and commitments. school work etc etc. not enough time etc etc. i want you guys to remember that one of the most favourite lies of the devil is that it's alright to skip church once. after all, i have perfect attendance. it won't hurt, God will understand. i'm busy and have no time.

that is a HUGE lie because you're making excuses for yourself, trying to justify the reason for you not coming to church. guys, God sees our hearts and coming to the house of God isn't about just coming at times we feel happy or are free. when we "seek first the kingdom of God, everything else will be added on to us." God HONOURS people whom HONOURS Him.

guys, remember. God is a faithful God and He honours us.
Romans 3:2-4 "What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all!"

God wants a relationship. not a religion.

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