Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sermon on the 13th April: TRUTH UNPLUCKED II

hey guys, yining here. since none of you turned up yesterday, i'm gonna post sermon notes here. i hope you guys will READ AND READ AND RE-READ till your eyes drop because you WILL forget it by mid-week.

Ps Daniel shared mainly 5 habits on how to weave the truth in our minds.

1)Use specific truths
simply speaking, it's simply using a part of Scripture that speaks into the lie of yours. so let's say you tend to be decieved by the lie that "it's alright to fall into temptations." then the Scripture to tackle it would be 1 Corinthians 10:13 "... and God's faithful; He would not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. and when you're tempted, He WILL provide a way out.." [emphasis mine]
people, the Bible should be the final authority in your life. don't resort to worldly truths because it might[or probably will] contradict God's Word and Himself.

2) Speak out the truth
this may sound little weird but we gotta VERBALIZE the truth. why? because the devil can't hear your thoughts like how God can! the devil or any other demons are still created beings. the volume does not matter; what matters is you speak the Scripture out.

eg. during the time when Jesus was tempted in the desert, he didn't just STARE at the devil or GLARE at him with the Scripture in mind. He always says aloud "IT IS WRITTEN..." this should serve as an example eh! :D

3)Personalize the truth
simply change the "hes" or "shes" or "wes" to "I". after all, the Scripture DOES applies to you!

4) Pray the truth
prayer is always very important. we also need to intergrate the truths in our prayer. if you have difficulties obeying the Word of God, simply pray it. something like "God, i confess that i've been struggling with a lie in my life and i pray God i'll be able to/i want to be/(any other requests) _________[fill in the blanks]"

5) Meditate on the truth
i guess you guys know people practising yoga often meditate with their mind blank. Christians however meditate with the Word of God constantly in mind. how?
(i) by simply choosing a verse and rehearsing it in your mind until you fall asleep. of course, you can meditate upon it anytime and anywhere. it simply involves step (i)
we can't make excuses like "oh, i JUST can't memorize any verses. ah old age, poor memory arh." that's really a lie because we can memorize our JC notes, song lyrics and our textbooks. we gotta remind ourselves that it's not the ABILITY, but our PRIORITY.

guys, emotions are poor leaders. don't let your emotions lead you. capture your thoughts and "make it obedient to Christ."

so that's all! of course, i have some other sidenotes but be proactive if you want them ya! :) i want you guys to make a commitment, eg. memorize a verse everyday or have a accountability partner[which can be yours truly] if we wanna grow closer in God, we gotta take personal responsibility. :D

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